History of the Guild
The AWG was founded in 1989, and has grown to approximately 135 members. The initial vision was to reach out to both amateur and professional woodworkers who are devoted to learning, teaching, practicing and expanding every aspect of woodworking. We have grown from there.

Founding Members Comments
The idea for the need of a group for woodworking started on a ride home from the Baltimore Wood Working Show of 1989. It was a small group that began to meet in the Annapolis area. An ad was put in the local paper, signs were made and posted…and the first meetings were held at a founding members home and then the public library, as the group grew in number the Bates High School housed the meetings. Anyone interested in forming an organization was invited to attended.
At first 10 or 12 people responded and the guild was born. The aim of the organization was determined, the name was set and at the next meeting some showed up, some did not, and some were never to be seen again. The first challenges were how to lay the ground work that would support the AWG and help it to flourish. The wisdom of the founding and early members set the standards high and we still live by these by-laws with very few revisions. These same members were instrumental in nurturing the growth of the emerging AWG.
As the AWG grew in membership and organization a larger meeting place needed to be found-we found it at Parkwood. The goal in the beginning was to form a woodworkers guild that would be of interest to people, provide knowledgeable speakers on subjects of interest, meetings where people could ask questions and get answers to further their knowledge and skills, a place where people with common goals could enjoy fellowship. Anyone interested in joining us are welcome to visit us and participate.
Above: Don, Hugh, and Ralph - our founders.