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Recommended Videos

Below is a collection of links to popular woodworkers on YouTube that cover a large array of topics related to woodworking. The hope being you find a new resource to learn from or gain inspiration from. In addition to the links you'll find a short description of what I feel the channel has to offer or specializes in. 

Blacktail Studios

If you have any interest at all in learning how to use expoy in woodworking projects, Cam at blacktail is my goto recommendation. He has an epoxy workshop available (often on sale for $100), but if you watch through his catalog you can pick up the greater majority of the advice for free, just at the cost of your time and dedication to make note of all the tips and tricks he does. His videos are usually just him talking over prior shot footage and the sound of the tools - which isn't something everyone loves. I find his humor and honesty about mistakes made as well as pricing of what he's built refreshing.

Gunflint Designs

A weird mish mash of some general woodworking stuff to some fine woodworking and tips in between. The majority is explanations while showing off the build process with minor tips along the way. Not really a mainstream guy but I liked the couple videos I had watched along the way and thought I'd throw him out there as someone to check in on from time to time.

Highland Woodworking

All around woodworking. There's some videos on tips, interviews with people in the industry, build guides, history on particular tools and techniques, Product reviews, etc..

Izzy Swan

WARNING: Izzy does some sketchy stuff in his early videos. He's usually very up front about the dangers and what not to attempt. Otherwise... You'll find general contractor knowhow but also a ton of interesting inventions and ideas on approaching problems in woodworking. Tool reviews and all around advice on all things wood working. A pretty entertaining personality to go with it.

Jay Bates

A master at video editing and all around woodworker. Has many early videos catering to jigs, work bench creation, and how to videos. Early years of his channel were a bit rocky but had some really detailed videos on Sketchup and other how tos. Also has injected some CNC into his work but isn't soley reliant on it.

Jonathan Katz-Moses

Another ace at video editing - Jonathan has quite the gambit of content. He's got plenty of tips for fine woodworking, along with tool/product reviews, project videos, jigs, you name it. Some videos are more a showcase of him building a project than a straight hold your hand with every step in hopes that you might buy the project, but his video editing skills make the videos highly entertaining for those interested in the craft.

Kings Fine Woodworking

One of my personal favorites in the list - James offers all sorts of free courses as well as projects with paid plans all at a reasonable rate. You can find some general contractor focused videos on his page, but a good chunk of it is jigs and small fine woodworking projects like box making or tools for the shop. His videos are usually pretty in depth and don't skip too many corners on the process from start to finish.

Matthew Cremona

Fine wood working, some home renovation, and lots of info on milling your own wood. Usually has humor injected into the videos. One part of the trio that makes up the podcast Wood Talk (Marc Spagnola, Matt Cremona, and Shannon Rogers

Nick Ferry

Nick stopped making videos consistently for awhile, but his catalog from 5+ years ago were pretty good. A lot of tips about making cross cut sleds and other jigs like a Tenon & spline jig or jigs for perfect Dados.

Paul Sellers

Renowned in the craft, Paul has a large catalog of videos focused on hand tools and essential woodworking know how. Early videos were often quite long in format, but in the last few years he tends to balance between occassional shorts versus long format. 

Shannon Rogers - RenaissanceWW

Shannon covers all things hand tools and has been a guest presenter multiple times now to the guild. You'd be hard pressed to find a more knowledgeable guest on hand tools. On the page you can find many in depth dives on various tools and projects to follow along with. Shannon also runs a handtool class in Northern Maryland (I believe the Belaire area) that you can find more info about through his videos and links in the video descriptions. 

Stumpy Nubs

Lots of tips and product reviews. There's some interesting tool reviews on the regular for all sorts of things woodworking you didn't even know existed. Typically I use his channel for some of the tips or just to get a different perspective.

The Honest Carpenter

All around home improvements and general advice for DIY repairs or knowledge from a general contractor. A good resource for anyone who wants a deeper dive on some common tools in the contractor space and knowledge about the house from the ground up.

The Wood Whisperer

The original woodworking youtube channel. He's got quite an extensive catalog and you can find how to videos on small to large products through out the whole channel. Plenty of showdowns of products and how they hold up (think finishing techniques or the brands used in finshes). There's some humor thrown in there along the way. His guild offers some pretty affordable project plans backed with usually many hours of instructional video to go with it. Mainly focused on fine woodworking and knowledge about the craft then about general contractor type stuff. Usually the first resource I check if I have a question because of such a large catalog of content over 15 some years. There's some good videos on tool tuning like Bandsaw tuning for example (featuring Alex Snodgrass).


Was formerly named something like fast easy smart tools (ended up too much like FESTools and had to rename.) Not many videos, but his early videos about how to make wooden gears, cut wooden threads, and corner radius templates were really smart. It's a shame he didn't keep making videos because this kid was extremely clever and made some awesome jigs.

William Ng

Unfortunately, a very small catalog of videos from many years back, but extremely knowledgeable. It might be a bit slow for some, but his 5 cuts to a perfect cross-cut sled video and Multi function table saw jig are well worth the watch. Also his guest videos showcasing some interesting finishing techniques like coloring with Iron Acetate and filling the grain, I thought were really well done. William runs a school in California for woodworking and a handful of other woodworking content creators have talked about William inspiring or leveling up their woodworking game (such as The Wood Whisperer).


Another all around woodworking channel that focuses a lot on some easy tips as well as projects with links to buy.

Woodworking Masterclass

I believe Steve Hay has a tv show in Australia (or did at one point if I recall correctly). He makes a lot stuff with very minimal tools and kind of what I'd describe as an old school approach. He's got a pretty aproachable personality and has often said if you got questions email him and he'll try tackling them. I have emailed him on more than one occassion and he has returned my emails with advice on projects I was working on.

Worth Effort

Shawn is a talented teacher and certainly has a love for the craft. On the channel you will find some general tips in woodworking, but mainly focused on turning, as well as, how to make profits at craft shows. 

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